There is no reason that the education of your child has to stop just because there is a teacher’s strike. Enrichment can occur from homeschooling tutoring – all that you need is the material from a teaching professional to guide you. The 7 Day Parent’s Guide to Engaging Students During  a Teacher’s Strike is a parent survival guide contains  educational learning activities parents can perform with their own children at any point in time.

The strategies that you should employ will include many tactics that teachers use in the classroom; however, you will have the advantage of personal contact with your child that will speed up the transfer of knowledge.

Why Home Education is Necessary

The first thing a parent should do to engage a child is to explain to them why home education is necessary. A great way to start is to explain the details surrounding a teacher’s strike. Politics isn’t necessary, but the discussion should focus on the importance of continuing an education when normal schooling is interrupted. A parent should constantly show that the child’s enrichment is absolutely the most valuable thing. From there, the tutoring can begin and will result in learning success. Everything used in a formal school to engage and teach children can be found in a home environment. Though school budgets are often greater, tutoring quality doesn’t have to be substandard. Consider learning at home to be a level-appropriate way for children to understand critical thinking in the real world.

Problem-Solving and Logic

Any child can learn problem solving and logic with everyday activities. Economics and math can be learned through household budgeting and game playing. Natural sciences and biology can be taught from a local animal preserve, or pet shop. Government and current events can certainly be learned with supervised sessions watching the news and Internet. Sometimes, a deep discussion with parents about things happening in the world is more beneficial than reading a textbook. Reading skills can be enhanced with daily scheduled time revisiting classic literature.

Of course, many parents are uncomfortable taking-on the job of home education. This is why there is a large group of education professionals helping to make homeschooling tutoring a more than viable option. Experienced home school tutors, easily tackle scholastic subjects and principles that would normally be presented in the classroom.

This new guide is now available to parents who do not want their child’s stimulation put on hold because of non-learning events like a teachers strike. School children can learn real world, accelerated, and even common-core requirements anywhere, as long as there are dedicated tutors actively concerned with their enrichment. Purchase this handbook today to make sudden educational transitions work for your child.