2020 was an unprecedented year: challenging, yet illuminating. Remote and distance learning changed the education game for parents, teachers, and students alike. As we reflect on the year, we want to share our top 10 predictions for how education and family life will change in 2021.

  • Remote learning and homeschooling will lead to a decline in public school enrollment. 

Even after the pandemic is under control and in-person schooling has resumed, we predict that some versions of remote and hybrid learning will continue. Why? Some family situations have thrived during remote learning; for example, full-time remote school is well-suited for children with health issues who have trouble attending school for a whole day as well as for children who have to travel frequently with their parents for work. 

Additionally, public school enrollment numbers have dropped as parents homeschool their kids or hire private tutors. Kindergarten is optional in over half of US states, and  AP analysis shows that a drop in kindergarten enrollment accounts for 30% of the enrollment reduction across these states. This may mean that if they don’t attend preschool or kindergarten, many first graders will start school in 2021 without the skills they need to be successful. 

  • Schools will provide more math support. 

A study from the NWEA showed that while students suffered learning loss in all areas due to the shifts to and from remote learning, the loss was greatest in math. As a result, we predict that 2021 will bring an expansion of student supports in math. Educators and schools should focus more time and money on delivering quality math materials and resources, while parents will be seeking out tutoring opportunities and searching for ways to support their kids with math at home. 

  • Parents will be more technologically savvy. 

Out of sheer necessity, parents all over the world mastered new technology tools like Zoom, Google classroom, and other new essentials for their child’s distance learning. Fortunately, these new skills will come with them into the new year, allowing them to take more of an active role in their child’s learning, online or not. 

  • Many families will finally make a move.  

We predict that in 2021, families will have more freedom in where they live. Why? Employers are now more flexible in allowing their employees to work from home, allowing many families to finally move to their dream city and keep their current jobs. Additionally, families can move to be closer to extended family to build those bonds and spend more time together. 

  • Parents will revisit their dreams deferred. 

Poet Langston Hughes once famously asked, “What happens to a dream deferred?” We think 2021 will be a time for parents to go back to the dreams they had when they were younger and make them a reality. For example, what they may have considered a side project or hobby may now turn into a full-time business opportunity. Parents will become lifelong learners by taking classes, returning to school, or learning a new skill. They may also rekindle friendships from their childhoods and reconnect with old friends and neighbors. If 2020 taught us anything, it was that life is unpredictable and precious, so now is the time to follow your dreams! 

  • We will all increase our focus on self-care. 

With 2020 being so trying, adults and children alike discovered the benefits of self-care through at-home spa rituals, meditation, and conscious consumption. Self-care is now a way of life for many of us, so we think 2021 will see an increase in people meditating, finding a coach, downsizing, and practicing mindfulness. Students and adults will both increase their enrollment in courses focusing on mindfulness and social-emotional learning. 

  • Families will have more fun together. 

All the time at home in 2020 taught many of us that we really enjoy staying home with our families. We are hopeful that the routines many created during quarantine will continue into 2021, with more family movie nights, board games, or backyard soccer games. 

  •  Parents will learn that “scrappy is the new perfect.”

To quote New York Times bestselling author Jeff Walker, “scrappy is the new perfect.” During these uncertain times, everyone is scrambling to figure out their new realities. This means that life is far from perfect and we are all learning as we go, even if we think we’re prepared. Our expectations have dropped and now instead of expecting perfection, we’re just expecting authenticity and realness. We think this newfound grace and forgiveness will extend into the new year. 

  • We’ll all improve our culinary skills. 

In 2021, parents will continue to practice their baking and cooking skills. Perhaps they’ll finally master that banana bread or prepare the perfect pasta. They can experiment with dishes to find what their kids prefer and find tasty meals for everyone, even picky eaters or kids with allergies. 

  • Women’s roles in the workplace will shift. 

We’ve seen a huge number of women leave the workforce in 2020 due to the demands of childcare, homeschooling, and work-life balance. We predict that women will continue to leave their current jobs in order to find the perfect side project or part-time job that allows them to take care of their kids’ education as well as seek work and life harmony.

While 2020 was a wild year, it did give us time for reflection and contemplation about what we want in our lives moving forward. We hope you are able to make some of your own dreams a reality in 2021!