Would you be surprised to learn that critical thinking education can ensure cyber security? Parenting is a tough duty, but when you provide your children with important mental skills, they are better prepared for lifelong success. See how this can spill over into improved cyber safety. 

Teaching Good Habits

Let’s be honest. While some parent tips suggest always being with your child during Web surfing, is this really possible? Generally, when your child is young, you should be with him or her, as much as you can be, while Web surfing. The funny thing about childhood development is that as they get older, they become more dangerous and powerful. One day, they will show you how to do something online, that you didn’t know before. Children learn quickly. Therefore, you should concentrate on creating good habits, early on. Teach the #1 cyber safety rule – “Never share anything confidential online.” Warn your child of the potential dangers of talking to strangers online.

Prudent Web Surfing

Psychologically, adults will do many things, by habit. It might be something like brushing your teeth before going to bed. When parents instill these habits, early on, then they can last a lifetime. That is your duty as a parent. Spend as much time with your child surfing the Web, together. Show them what to do and what not to do. This will help them learn prudent Web surfing skills. Explain what the Internet is. Some children don’t really understand where the Internet is located. Talk about Social Media. Explain that sometimes, there are adults posing as children on the most popular Social Media sites. Create a little fear about some lurking dangers found online.

Developing Responsible Children

Who am I talking to online? What do they want? What should I share with them? These are three important, thought-provoking questions, you should discuss with your child. Create a bit of critical analysis and doubt in your child to keep them safe. We can help them develop these all important mental skills. When they are critical, they are more prudent. We can help your children develop important spatial reasoning and critical thinking skills. Sign your child up for our boot camp. Our parent tips include books aimed for children aged 3 to 13. Be proactive. By teaching your child, important mental skills and habits early on, you can help your child be safer online.