Staying focused while studying online can be a tricky task these days. There are so many options for distractions, like games and social media sites, that it can sometimes feel as if the entire Internet is working against you.

Luckily, there are methods to help your child focus when they’re studying online. First, make sure your study space is set up in a way that benefits your child. Then, look at the way in which technology is incorporated into their study routine.

Here are some quick tips to help your child (and you!) stay on task in our hectic technological world!

Shut down extra devices before the study session begins

It’s likely that your child relies on more than one device. They may have a laptop, a cell phone, a tablet, or any combination of electronic tools and toys. Often, we develop a habit of keeping multiple devices nearby, even when we only need one.

To prevent digital distraction, make sure the focus is on the device being used. If your child is using a laptop, make sure their phone and tablet are not nearby. If your child has their own phone, have them send a message to key friends and family that they are studying for the next few hours and should not be interrupted.

Ideally, the device will then be taken somewhere away from where your child is studying. But if they need it close by, they can turn the device off or put it in airplane mode. Notifications can also be turned off, so the dinging and vibrating sounds don’t become an additional distraction.

If your child needs their phone on in case of an emergency, include the parent contact in the do not disturb message. The phone can also be set to a do not disturb mode, where only certain phone calls are able to be received. Once the study session is over, your child can send a follow-up message that they are back online.

Limiting online studying to one device at a time will eliminate potential distractions from other sources.

Stick to a computer, avoid the cell phone

Whenever possible, it’s better to study on a laptop or desktop computer, rather than cell phone or even a tablet. This is because the screen is larger and easier to focus on. Additionally, computers tend to have fewer icons and apps compared to the phone. Turn the phone off and make sure the computer is optimized for studying.

You can make your computer study friendly in a few different ways. First, be sure the computer’s screen saver doesn’t have distracting images and isn’t set to turn on too quickly. This is a simple tweak that can save your child from watching a photo reel instead of doing their work.

There are also many computer programs and tools designed to help students focus. Some of these will allow you to block certain websites. Others will play music designed to improve focus.

Take breaks from online studying often

As with any study time, breaks for the mind and body are important. Prior to the study session, give your child a chance to move around and play. This will help them get rid of excess energy, so they can sit still for longer.

During the study session, be sure to give your child plenty of time to rest their brain. Schedule it into the study time, allowing periodic breaks to stand up, stretch, or complete a few easy brain puzzles. This isn’t a time to look at the phone, but rather to let the mind rest.

Knowing that there’s a dedicated time for taking breaks will help your student stay focused during study time and give them something to look forward.

Set an example of what good online study habits look like

Finally, follow the same study habits you want your child to emulate. When you sit down at your computer to work, pay bills, or do anything else that requires focus, make sure you lead by example. Model using technology in the way you want your child to. This will help your child get into a routine and create good habits that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Studying online can be overwhelming, but students and parents can have success with it if they use some of these tools to stay focused and avoid distractions online!