Choosing a school is difficult in ordinary times, but how do you choose a school in 2020 when you can’t tour it due to COVID-19 concerns? The decision is a big one, and there are a lot of considerations to take into account.

Here we’ll walk you through some questions to ask (even on a remote tour!) when you’re in the process of finding the best school for your child.

What Are the Safety Protocols?

The most important factor right now is safety. Most schools have changed their policies and procedures, so don’t hesitate to ask what the school is doing differently to protect students and staff from COVID-19. You should look for protocols that include frequent hand washing, daily screenings of students and staff, increased cleaning and disinfection of desks and school equipment, as well as modified pickup and dropoff procedures. Teachers should be directly talking to students about handwashing, and the pickup procedures should be clearly communicated to parents. If you feel more comfortable with your child attending a school with social distancing measures in place or mandatory mask requirements, make sure to ask about these things as well.

How Are the Teachers Talking to Children About the Pandemic?

When it comes to talking to children about COVID-19, what you’re looking for is a happy medium between too much and too little information. Too much information can cause children to become anxious and fearful. On the other side, having too little information can also create anxiety when children have questions that go unanswered. Talk directly with the school staff to see how they are handling these times of questions from children—does their approach seem developmentally appropriate and factual? Do the staff members seem comfortable having these conversations with children?

Do the Teachers Seem Happy?

Aside from virus concerns, there are other factors to consider when choosing a school in 2020. When at all possible, ask to talk to teachers in addition to administration and management. The attitude of the teacher can make or break your child’s school experience, so it’s important that you feel comfortable with them. Ask questions like “What is your favorite part of working here?” to get a sense of how they feel about their work and the school. If you feel like the teachers are committed and happy to be there, that’s a definite sign that you’ve found a good place.

What Is the School Environment Like?

School environments have all had to change due to the pandemic, but ask about the general guiding values and priorities of the school. Some schools are arts-based, while others focus more on STEAM skills, for example. If your child loves art but that is only a very small part of a particular school’s day, that one might not be a good fit. Meanwhile, other schools could have an explicit focus on creativity that appeals more to your child. Ask about the teacher to student ratio; an ideal number for lower elementary school is under 20 while under 25 is an ideal number for 3rd grade and up.

The New Face of School in 2020

While nothing in 2020 looks like what we’re used to, it is still very possible to choose a good school for your child. Make sure to balance your questions between safety questions and general school environment questions, and most importantly—take your time! You’ll find the right fit, even if you have to search for a little while. But ultimately, your young learner’s success and happiness will be well worth it.