The High School Admission Test (HSAT) is used as selection criteria across many high school programs, including selective enrollment, international baccalaureate, and career and technical education programs.

For many 8th grade students, preparing for the HSAT is a significant part of their academic journey. Students’ HSAT scores help determine which selective high schools they might be admitted to. However, unforeseen postponements or technical glitches disrupting the exam can add stress and anxiety to this already daunting process.

Before you panic at the thought of your child’s study efforts and valuable test prep lessons potentially going to waste, rest assured. We’ve compiled essential tips to help you navigate through this confusing time.

From effective communication strategies with your 8th grader to ensuring their skills remain sharp without added stress, check out our tips below.

Communication and Understanding:

  • Open communication is essential. Sit down with your child and allow them to express their feelings and concerns about the postponed exam. Assure them that their efforts and dedication in preparing for the test are valued and that you understand the disappointment they may be experiencing.


  • Provide encouragement: Offer words of encouragement to boost their morale. Reinforce that setbacks are a part of life and can provide valuable lessons. Encourage them to stay positive, and remind them that their hard work will pay off in due time. Encourage your child to connect with peers or family members who are experiencing similar situations. Sharing experiences and providing mutual support can be empowering and comforting.


  • Stick to reliable sources and avoid rumors.  In moments of uncertainty, it’s crucial to stay focused and avoid being swayed by rumors. Remember to gather information from trusted sources. Rely on official school websites, local news announcements or information shared directly by school principals and administration. These are dependable sources that provide accurate and factual updates, steering you away from any unnecessary confusion.


kids meditation

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

  • Introduce mindfulness exercises and relaxation techniques to help your child manage stress. Breathing exercises, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can aid in calming their mind and reducing anxiety levels.


  • Engage in Relaxing Activities: Encourage your child to participate in relaxing and enjoyable activities to take their mind off the stress. This could include hobbies, spending time with friends, reading a book, or engaging in the creative arts.


  • Healthy Habits: Emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Encourage regular physical exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Physical activity can help release stress and improve overall well-being.



Provide Academic Support: 

Offer to assist your child in revisiting the study materials until a new test date is confirmed. Break down study sessions into manageable chunks, ensuring that they comprehend and retain the information effectively.

  • Maintain a Routine: Help your child establish a daily routine that includes dedicated study time, relaxation, and recreational activities. A structured routine can create a sense of normalcy and stability during uncertain times.


  • Include Self-Paced Test Prep for Continuous Learning: Consider incorporating a self-paced test preparation course or extending tutoring sessions. These options are not only cost-effective but also grant 24/7 access to study materials. By doing so, you can continue studying and revising at your own pace until the rescheduled test date. This approach ensures that your skills remain sharp and well-honed, optimizing your readiness for the high school admission test.


  • Focus on Future Opportunities: Redirect their focus towards the future and the multitude of opportunities that lie ahead. Remind them that this postponement is a minor setback and not a reflection of their capabilities.


  • Facing a postponement or retake of a high-stakes exam can indeed be challenging for students and parents alike. However, with the right support and coping mechanisms, students can maintain a positive outlook towards the testing experience. As parents, your guidance and understanding play a crucial role in helping your child navigate through these unexpected twists in their educational path.

Stay informed, stay steady, and stay on course towards securing a high school selective enrollment seat.