Technology is interwoven into education. Whether it’s an iPad app that helps your child recognize shapes, a game on your smartphone that introduces new sounds, or a computer program that monitors your child’s literacy, technology is everywhere. And it’s more important now than ever that your child understands how to interact with technology in a safe, secure way.

Usually, we think of cyber safety as protecting our identities from credit card theft, or making sure we have complex passwords that can’t be swiped. But cyber safety also extends to our children and their education. And it’s never too early for your child to begin learning about how to be safe when using technology. 

Teach Your Child about Cyber Safety at Cyber City

Cyber City is a high-tech town featured in our new, upcoming children’s book on cybersecurity. Filled with fun, curious characters, an adventure in this city will help your child understand how to remain safe online. 

Meet Digital Dan: Leader of Cyber City

The first character introduced in the Cyber City books is Digital Dan, the leader of the city, who takes the form of a cloud. He represents the cloud storage system and teaches kids how the cloud works and how to stay safe within it through engaging rhymes and pictures. 

One of Digital Dan’s job descriptions is helping the citizens of Cyber City search for things; he is proud that he can help people find anything they’re looking for with his fancy search features!

He’s also proud that he can help fix storage issues in Cyber City and can help free up space on its hard drive for extra photos and documents. 

The most important job Digital Dan has is to keep everyone in Cyber City safe. He does this by using his malware detector shield to block viruses and hackers, who appear as dark clouds out to get Cyber City. Your child will have the chance to cheer Digital Dan on has he stops the bad guys from taking over the cit

Digital Dan is clear that he does everything he does because he wants kids to be able to have fun online while staying safe. His vision for Cyber City is a place where every child can connect with their friends, parents, and teachers without worrying. His stories always have a happy ending because he works so hard to protect the citizens of Cyber City. 

But Digital Dan can’t save Cyber City alone. He’s backed up by a team of fellow residents who are determined to keep the city safe. Stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll meet Padlock Picasso, who will teach kids how to create passwords that wor

Do you want to take your kid on a journey to Cyber City? Digital Dan and all his friends will be released January 25, 2020. Click here to preorder your copy!