Lemi-Ola Erinkitola - Founder The Critical Thinking Child


The Ultimate Guide for a Successful (& Calm) School Year

Get fresh tips to start (and finish) each school year with confidencea


In this GUIDE, you’ll learn how to:


Find the Right Learning Model for Your Child and Your Family, Setting Them up for a Lifetime Love of Learning.

Wrap your mind around the state of education today, so you can weigh your options and make the decisions that are best for your child. Learn how to determine the pros and cons of the different types of learning models  including remote, in-person, hybrids, pods and more.


Manage Working From Home While Helping Your Child Stay Motivated for Academic Success.

You’re trying to prioritize your child’s learning success while managing a job, childcare, your family’s health, and well . . . life.  Here you’ll find top tips and fun, interactive checklists to help you create effective workspaces for learning, so everyone can be more productive at home.


The 5 Most Important Skills to Focus on So Your Child Can Experience Continuous Academic Growth. 

There’s a lot of advice out there about how to help kids become strong learners. In fact, as a parent invested in your child’s progress, it can sometimes feel like you’re swimming in advice. 

In this guide, you’ll learn the simple, repeatable process that will give your child the skills they need to be successful in school.

This Ultimate Guide to Academic Success empowers you to: 

  • Make the right choices for your family, so you can feel confident in your learning environment.
  • Support your child’s learning—wherever it happens—giving your child a fun, memorable academic year. 
  • Gauge successes and areas for improvement, so you don’t have to worry about your child falling behind.
  • Focus on the most important skills to level up your child’s critical thinking and prepare them for a lifetime of success.

Interactive and customizable to your needs, this resource includes checklists, shopping guides, and much more… allowing you to make the best possible decisions for your child during an uncertain time.

It’s an unprecedented time for education.

The 2020-21 school year has begun and you have new stressors to add to an already long list of worries. You probably have a lot of questions. Questions like:

  • Can I help my child learn while also working full-time?
  • What about my child’s health and safety during in-person learning events? 
  • What should I look for in a remote program? 
  • How do learning pods work? Are they worth it?
  • How do I keep my child from falling behind?We’ve got all the tools to make the first days of school (and all that follow) rewarding.

InWe’ve got all the tools to make the first days of school (and all that follow) rewarding.


About Lemi-Ola…

I’ve been helping busy moms and dads from all over the world uncover, optimize and accelerate their child’s academic potential for over 15 years. 

I’m Lemi-Ola Erinkitola, an award-winning educator, parent coach, children's author.

My life work and passion is helping parents nurture their child's learning potential in an engaging and joyful way so kids can fast track learning, discover their gifts and reclaim family time. …so you are absolutely in the right place! 

I’ve prepared this Ultimate Guide for a Successful School Year to help you avoid those major pitfalls so that you can confidently get on the path to creating a successful learning environment for your child.

I’m Lemi-Ola Erinkitola, an award-winning educator, parent coach, children's author.

My life work and passion is helping parents nurture their child's learning potential in an engaging and joyful way so kids can fast track learning, discover their gifts and reclaim family time. …so you are absolutely in the right place! 

I’ve prepared this Ultimate Guide for a Successful School Year to help you avoid those major pitfalls so that you can confidently get on the path to creating a successful learning environment for your child.